Science Operations

Observing Procedure

This section provides details on running the instrument, taking and checking data, and the appropriate calibrations needed.
  • Quick Review — A brief outline for experienced MODS users.

More thorough descriptions are contained in the following pages:

  • Software — Describes the software used to operate the instrument: the User Interface; the script engines and the structure of MODS scripts; the programs used to display images as they are taken and to align objects on the slit or mask.
  • Executing Scripts— Describes the how to setup and observe with MODS1 or MODS2 in Imaging, Longslit, and MOS modes. Spectroscopic standard star observations are described separately, since these are acquired differently than longslit targets.
  • Non-Sidereal Operations – An overview of the telescope procedures used to execute non sidereal observations
  • Troubleshooting — Common gotchas and faults are outlined with their solutions.