Science Operations

Submit Tab

The Submit Tab appears in the top left panel of both the General and INAF PIT, when Submit is selected from the “Overview / Time Requests / Scheduling / Submit” options shown below the panel.

Confirm that the partner(s) listed accurately reflect your intentions. If there is an error, correct this using the Time Requests Tab. If the status is not shown as “Ready”, in green, then add the required information, or correct the error, as indicated in the Problems Tab. If the proposal is ready and final, then click the “Submit this Proposal” button.

If you intend to use LBTI, SHARK-NIR, or SHARK-VIS you are required to contact the Principal Investigator of the instrument before submitting your proposal. This has to be verified by checking the checkbox that is displayed when one of these instruments has been selected.

When the proposal is successfully received by LBTOs server, the stoplight indicator will turn green. A “Success” in the submission status and the display of the reference number and contact information is your confirmation that the proposal was received. You should receive a confirmation e-mail, if you do not, please contact our team.

Information about any errors will be displayed in a popup window and can be viewed if you hover the pointer over the error icon.

If there are communication problems then the submission will time-out after one minute. Continue trying to submit until the submission is successful. If there are other errors then please contact

Once the proposal is submitted you cannot make any changes to the file. However, you can open an editable copy using the “Edit to Resubmit Proposal” button from the Overview Tab, which can be used for additional submissions in this or future semesters. See the FAQ Tab for instructions on how to convert past xml proposals to a proposals for the current semester.

If there are other errors then please contact