Science Operations

PDF Proposal Attachment

Most partners require that proposals contain a Science Justification, Technical Description, and other text for review by the partner TAC. You can attach this information as a PDF using the Phase I Tool. Simply click on the “paper clip” button next to the word “Attachment” on the Overview Tab and a dialogue box will appear. You can then browse and select your completed PDF.

General PIT

Italy PIT

Below is a generalized description of sections often required by LBTO partners. For exact instructions, including page length, etc. please see the webpages regarding proposal submission published by the partner to which you are applying.

Cover Sheet: Your PDF upload must include the partner-specific cover sheet required by the partner to which you are proposing. Directions for these cover sheets are published by the partners on their Call for Proposal webpages.

Scientific Justification: This should be a high-level description of the observations and the fundamental problem that they will address. Make sure to include the overall significance to astronomy.  This section can also be used to describe the overall observational program, including sample selection, data analysis, etc.

Technical Description: This should be a description of how the observations contribute toward the accomplishment of the goals outlined in the science justification.  Also justify the instrument and telescope configuration, the exposure times and the weather constraints requested. Describe the results from the Integration Time Calculators here. Justify the total time requested.

Publications: Enter a list of publications written by the PI and Co-Is that support this proposal.

Use of Other Facilities or Resources: List any applications to other facilities that are related to this proposal.

Previous Use of LBT: List allocations of telescope time on LBTO to the PI during the last 2 years, together with the current status of the data.