Science Operations

LMS Release Notes


Updates and Bug Fixes

  • Adjusted ref 1&6 circular, 0.3” diameter, and preparations for future Active Flexure Compensation Alignment needs are in place for the future. The Mask ID size adjusted, mirrored, and placed sideways so that mask numbers are visible in mask image but mask realestate is not compromised.
  • Updated menus to help guide the user through the optimal mask configuration. Slit width and length menus now include 2.0″ and 4.0″ slit sizes to make the Reference box making easier and available with Auto-Slit if desired. Updated grating names from generalized GRATING1 to G210, GRATING2 to G200, and GRATING3 to G150 for luci1 and G040 for luci2 and included all filters currently available. Updated the default instrument to the G210 with K.
  • Corrected a lingering divide by zero issue at zero declination
  • Revamp of Auto-slit routine – removed camera and grating dependence for Auto-slit and instead have it run in the defined field area. Auto-Slit also now places slits in the designated FoV based on the priority listed in the priority column if there is one. The FoV twas selected as 2.8′. Auto-slit is now functional at all PA’s with both straight and circular slits, but is not available at this time for curved slits. Provided additional user feedback if there is no catalog loaded when running Auto-slit. Also added flexibility to catalog format, to allow local catalogs.
  • Changed the limit imposed on the length and width of curved, straight, tilted, and circular slits to looks at the laser cut limitations. This affords additional freedoms, for examples allows the users the ability to design long slits.
  • Added some more informative popups. Such as when saving the user is reminded to include a Project name if one is not included. And Fixed a broken popup for curved slits
  • Implemented some fixes for curved slits that ensure that the physical cut width is taken into account. Fixed a broken popup.
  • Added Slit Verification which checks upon request and when saving 4 slit characteristics: Science slits to cut?, All slits in the focal plane of the mask, Slits have any horizontal overlap, and slit proximity ok for mask integrity.
  • Added a toggle to the menu “Move Pointing” that turns on and off the green fiducial. This makes it easier to place slits at the center of the mask and reduced the chance a user will accidentally shift pointing
  • Unboxed slits included. Cleaned up the lms format cleaning up leading zeros and grouping ref and guide star info for each target together. Include image date along with catalog info.
  • Fixed error in wave_limit routine. Redrew the camera fields: thin white outline for focal field, N1.8 and N3.75 camera fields with blue dash outlines, and N30 FOV with a red outline since this is not an allowed mode yet.
  • Scaling (FOCSCALE) is set to be identical between LUCI1 and LUCI2 at this time, identically to that released in version 1.65. Measurements are ongoing if this needs to be updated.

This version is backwards compatible with v1.65, v2.0, and v2.22 generated files, allowing the user to load and update older masks.

Known Bugs

Many of these are characteristics users may be already familiar with, passed on from previous versions of LMS. We are working to resolve these issues in version to come!

  • EPSF files are not generating correctly in version 3.1. Fix pending.
  • The Instrument configuration must be defined first to maintain display consistency, and have valid wavelengths after slits generated. The menus have been redesigned to provide an order that helps guide the user through the optimal setup order.
  • Curved Slit bezier points must be defined in the order the slits are placed. It is not possible to go back and edit curved once another slit has been placed, even if that slit has been deleted.
  • Check that the Entry Form Slit editing box you have open pertains to the slit you would like to work on. Error messages can emerge if you have a stale Entry form open that contains incompatible parameters (trying to work on a curved slit while a stale straight slit entry form is open). Or you could accidentally move the placement. The Coordinates update in the entry form if you select “Enter” on then the slit that the entry form is valid for will update to the new coordinates.
  • Slit Verification Checks where slits are horizontally aligned. This routine does not check for spectral overlap or if the objects overlapping may be Reference Boxes. In these cases the user should use their best judgement but be aware that there may be an alert.
  • Guide Stars selected using lms will not write to the lms file with the catalog magnitudes. Because of this the user should still reselect their guide star in the OT when generating their scripts. As well, because of the polygon drawing of the GS patrol field the bottom section may be conservative compared to what the OT allows.