Science Operations

Quick Overview

This page is intended as a rough overview. The following pages will provide additional details.

Setup Overview

  1. Log in to an obsN (mountain) or a rm507-N (remote observing room) workstation.
  2. In a terminal, type luci.  This will open the Observer GUI and the Telescope Service Panel. The instrument, readout, and real-time display GUIs can be opened using the buttons below the green status panels on the main Observer GUI.
  3. [optional] The lower level engineering GUIs for the detector readout software are not normally needed for observing, but if you want to run them, or you need to ensure a fresh re-start, in a terminal window type:  luci_geirs1  and/or luci_geirs2, depending if you are running one or both LUCIs.
  4. Open the RTDs and click “Start” in each RTD gui to open the corresponding Aladin display window.
  5. Open the Instrument Panel from the “LUCI1” or “LUCI2” buttons on the Observer Panel and Init all mechanisms at the start of the night.  The instrument GUIs can be closed during normal observing, and just re-opened when needed.
  6. Open the Readout Panel from the “READ1” or “READ2” buttons, configure for a single short exposure and click “submit” at bottom.  Confirm the image is displayed on the corresponding Aladin display GUI. The Readout GUIs can be closed during normal observing, and just re-opened when needed.

Running Scripts

    1. Generate scripts with the OT and place the generated xml in a directory on the obs machine or rm525 work station where the Observer Panel is running.
      • eg scp -r myscriptdir/ will copy the entire directory myscriptdir/ to /home/PARTNER on obs2.
    2. Load observing scripts into the Observer Panel using the Load button on the panel and maneuvering to your script directory.
    3. The loaded script will populate in the Queue Execution Panel. Check the target and setup match desired and Go!.
    4. Once the preset is complete, LUCI monitors an isCollimated flag in the TCS, generated by the guiding control software (GCS) , and will wait until the measured wavefront error drops below 800 nm before taking data


  1. Use RTD to align and verify field. Depending on the type of observation, the acquisition/verification may be performed differently.

End of night

Make sure that there is no mask left in turnout. Mask should either be in the FPU or No Mask in Use. 

Safe LUCI1 and LUCI2 for daytime operations.
The SAFE_LUCI.xml script located in /lbt/lbto/luci performs each of the following and will ensure that LUCI is in an optimal configuration for daytime operations:

  1. Puts the blind blind filters in place.
  2. Sets the grating to mirror.
  3. Confirms that flexure compensation is off
  4. Moves the calibration unit out in in place and confirms lamps off.