Observations are executed by trained Service Observers and Staff Astronomers. In order to best plan and prepare these observations we ask that you submit the README by the deadline provided in the intro email sent in advance of your partner block. These README’s should be provided no later than 1 week in advance of a science block.
Each README should include:
- Contact information for the PI or anyone who knows the science goals
- Prioritized list of targets with instrument configurations
- Note any time-critical items, the particular order of observations, expected dates or times for execution, or any other special requests
- Preferred conditions as well as minimum acceptable conditions
There are 2 ways in which the README’s can be submitted:
- Google Form – Upload the .csv target list
- Link for Google form:
- Link for Google form:
- README Template submission emailed to
Target lists should be formatted as follows:
In a comma separated text file, please include the following columns:
COL1: Target Name (Catalog Identified)
COL2: RA(J2000, HH:MM:SS.sss)
COL3: DEC (J2000, +/
COL4: Vmag
COL5: SpType
COL6: Fiber (D100, D200, D300 options available for PFU, D200p only for POL)
COL7: BLUE Cross disperser (“CD1”, “CD2”, “CD3”)
COL9: BLUE CD Exp Time (seconds)
COL10: RED Cross disperser (“CD4”, “CD5”, “CD6”)
COL12: RED CD Exp Time (seconds)
COL13: Desired BLUE SNR (per exposure)
COL14: Desired RED SNR (per exposure)
COL15: Priority (1: High, 2: Med, 3: Low)
COL16: Notes or Comments
- Please provide identifiers recognized by SIMBAD when possible. If SIMBAD recognized ID’s are not available, catalog names from the following catalogs can be used: Gaia DR3, Gaia DR2, 2MASS, HIP, ASASSN-V, ASAS.
The syntax should be to include a space between catalog name and what follows: “Gaia DR3 ###”, “HD ###”, “KIC ###” and along this list:
“ASASSN”,”ASAS”,”EPIC”,”2MASS”,”Gaia DR2″,”Gaia DR3″
PEPSI uses a single identifier and recognized catalog names should be used unless in unique cases where these are not available (please contact sciops for those cases). Catalog identifiable names are required for the reduction. - Two minutes of overheads are built into the PEPSI planning for slew time and target acquisitions. Fainter targets and targets in crowded fields may incur additional overheads.
- Readout times: ~77sec for D100micron fiber, ~50 sec for D200 micron fiber, ~20 sec for D300 micron fiber.
- BLUE and RED (Exposure times + Overheads) x Nexp should roughly match one another for maximum efficiency.
- Please identify and specific observing windows in the COL16: Notes or Comments
- Nicknames or secondary names can be listed in COL16: Notes or Comments
- The PEPSI ETC is available here:
- Exposure times determined through the PEPSI ETC are calculated using efficiencies measured from spectra and should no longer require the 1.33 factor.
- For non-sidereal objects or objects requiring non standard modes, please contact for additional planning resources