IIF Connection issues
If the IIF/TCS had gone down during the day, you’ll see streaming errors like the one below in the terminal in the terminal on pepsi@alpha where the Pepsi interface was launched.
1/06/2021 19:06:28 ::Ice::ObjectNotExistException
To reconnect to the IIF, check the box next to “LBT” on the PEPSI Spectrograph Control Interface. Note that if you toggle “LBT” off and then on when “Engage” has already been clicked (hatch open and ADC tracking), the hatch remains open, but the ADC tracking will have stopped. Toggle Engage.
Software Restart
If things are in a bad state (Software Freezes, Readout issues, CCD Timeouts, or software in a funky state) re-uploading the program is like a soft power cycle.
- Close the Pepsi Interface by hitting Ctrl C in the terminal (soft kill)
- From the terminal on type
This will bring up the PEPSI GUI’s.
If the software remains unresponsive after Ctrl-C, can use Ctrl-\ for “hard” kill. If that does not work then another “hard” kill option is to type “killPEPSI in a terminal or new tab on the PEPSI machine.
AZCam Communication Issues
Particularly after a power outage, the AZCam server can lose communications and require a reboot.
- Click “Maintenance” in the lower left of the PEPSI LBT GUI
- In the Maintenance Popup, select the Radio button for the side of interest that you want to reboot.
- Select the side actively being used, then hit “Reboot”. This will wait before AzCam computer will come back on-line and print to terminal after a minute:AzCam PFU.SX is ready to connect after rebootso, that GCS can connect to it again.
- Have the operator restart GCS.
Fringes on the Guider Cross Profile
If fringing is noted on the cross profile of the guider, the binning should be increased. Bin1 should only be used for the brightest of targets.
The guiding binning is adjusted from the PEPSI LBT GUI. Adjusting the binning on one side will automatically increase the binning for the guiding on the other telescope (they are linked together).
Updates to binning are outlined in terminal window where the PEPSI interface was started on pepsi@alpha. When the binning is updated the guiding is paused, binning will update to the newly requested value, then resumed. Users should watch there for any issues. If guiding is unable to resume after a pause when adjusting the binning then shifts in binning may fail.
Users cannot simultaneously preset and change binning. When changing binning, the guiding is paused, changed, and then resumed.
Guide Star Drifts/Jumps
Pepsi guides on source so a jump in guiding is a loss on source. The pinhole is very close to the edge of the guider, particularly for SX. With jumps or drifts, this can result in WFS halting. If the Guide star jumps and does not automatically recover, then a new sided preset can be used to recover. Users should stop and readout the current exposure before resending the preset.