Science Operations

OT Libraries

The Observing Tool libraries contain example observations and templates e.g. commonly used configurations and sequences that may be copy-and-pasted into your science program. Notes on how to configure the templates are contained within the observations in the OT.  The intent of these libraries is to speed the development of new science programs.

NOTE: OT 2022B+ is now the standard OT version. These libraries have been tailored for this current version. They will continue to work with OT2020A but are not optimized. All older versions older than 2020A+ have been deprecated. Please update your OT if necessary!

Current Libraries can be downloaded below:

OT Library Distr.
Distribution Notes
LBT-LBC-Library-v5.4 Oct 3, 2022 Additional standard fields have been added.  Non-sidereal templates now included.
LBT-MODS-Library-v10.25 Oct 3, 2022 Small changes to the comments have been made for clarity
LBT-LUCI-SL-Library-v14.3 Oct 3, 2022 Small changes to the comments have been made for clarity.
LBT-AO-ESM-ADI-Library-v3.0 Oct 3, 2022 The library includes Subframe and ADI templates. ARGOS Library has been temporarily removed and will be supplied when this mode is once again offered.
LBT-MixedMode-Library-v1.0 Oct 3, 2022 Contains templates for generating Mixed Mode observations with LBC/MODS, LBC/LUCI, MODS/LUCI


These libraries are ever-evolving. Because of the many options and configurations available for LUCI, recently the Library for LUCI was separated into two: Seeing-Limited and Diffraction-Limited & ESM.  A new Mixed Mode Library option is available to help users plan observations using a mixed combination of our facility instruments.  If planning to use “Mixed Mode” please contact to help with planning. 

Please download the most current libraries. If you find an issue please let us know.

Once you have downloaded these libraries, please import them into your working version of the OT. Instructions on how to import programs are here:


The LBC Library contains templates for observing in multiple filters, both cycling through filters at each dither position and completing the dither pattern before changing filters. These can be copied and pasted into your program and altered as needed.  Please refer to the LBC OT Examples to see how to manipulate the Libraries to generate science observations.

The library also contains template observations for co-pointing scripts, only the target should need to be altered. Do not change the filters or detector configuration.
The library includes Landolt standard fields with observations for multiple filters as well as individual filters. These observations contain four dither points to place the target on the centers of each chip. Please note that calibration scripts for LBC are currently not supported through the OT. This functionality will be added in a future release.


The MODS Library contains examples and templates for imaging, longslit and MOS observations, and appropriate calibrations, as well as a collection of spectrophotometric standards. See MODS OT Examples for how to construct your own programs using the library.

NOTE: Although the OT distinguishes between MODS 1 and MODS 2, the output scripts themselves are not specific and can be executed on either instrument. Only the MODS calibration scripts are instrument specific.



The LBT-LUCI-SL-Library contains Templates and Examples for both Imaging, Long-slit, and MOS Seeing-Limited Observations.  The library also contains templates for calibrations such as Sky Flats for a number of Blank Fields, and daytime calibrations such as Arcs, Flats, etc.


Templates each contain a note on how to adjust the templates. There are detailed examples available here that demonstrate how to manipulate and alter the Library to generate typical LUCI observations.

The LUCI Imaging Examples/Templates group of the Library contains two types of observations for each LUCI:  Dither on Source (Ideal more so for sparse field imaging) & On and Off source observations (Ideal more for extended objects or crowded fields).

Each spectroscopic observation is comprised of both an acquisition and scientific observation.  The LUCI LongSlit Examples/Templates show a number of different types of observations for each LUCI including the standard Long-slit Dither on Source, On/Off-source, and 2 types of Blind-Offset Observations. There are also a number of templates for LUCI Fraternal observations.

The library contains templates for Long-slit Tellurics along with two lists of possible Tellurics: A0V Telluric List and G2V Telluric List. Other resources are also available:

Gemini also has an excellent page outlining criteria for how best to select Tellurics:

The Library contains templates and examples for MOS observations.  These include templates and examples of associated Telluric observations.
For all templates, use the embedded notes and LUCI OT Example pages to help make the changes necessary to build your desired observation.


The LUCI-AO-ESM-ADI-Library contains Templates and Examples for Enhanced Seeing Mode and AO observations.  These templates do assume some familiarity with LUCI and with the OT.

ESM Observations are setup identically to their seeing limited counterpart, with the changes made in the Telescope Environment. The Telescope Mode is set to Enhanced Seeing (ESM) and an AO reference star, along with the standard guide star is necessary for execution.

Diffraction Limited AO observations use the N30 camera, with the 30″ FoV. Templates have the N30 Field Stop in place to minimize stray light effects. The telescope mode selected is Active. Newly added are Sub Frame options which will help the user generate a script with pauses in place for a subframe acquisition. The scripts do no generate with the subframes field, but do help to guide the observer who will implement the subframes view using the RTD at the telescope. Also newly added are ADI (angular differential imaging) templates that will set the telescope rotator mode to “Parallactic” and also set pauses in place for acquisition.


These Libraries will help to guide users to generate Mixed Mode observations with LBC/MODS, LBC/LUCI, MODS/LUCI. OT 2022B has an LBC script generation option for mixed mode that will implement the necessary script adjustments for Mixed Mode observations. Any users planning Mixed Mode observations should contact