PIT Release Notes 2019B
Version 2019B 1.1 March 1, 2019
- Added LBTI instrument configuration decision tree to resource tab and PDF
- Added back-end e-mails to PEPSI and LBTI proposals. Submissions that use either of these resources will auto-generate a submission mail to the correct PI.
- Added a notification checkbox in the Submit Tab or LBTI and PEPSI
- Updated declination limits to reflect relaxed FAA elevation constraints for ARGOS (> 30 degrees)
- Updated RA semester limits to reflect relaxed elevation constraints for ARGOS (> 30 degrees and LBT > 25 degrees)
- Added 2.4 arcsec slit for MODS1 and MODS2
- Removed LUCI2 DL, ESM, and ARGOS modes and N30 camera for 2019B semester
Known Issues
- Dock Icon conflict between some version of the OT and PIT on Mac OS.
- In the Observation Tab, when specifying the PI instruments LBTI and PEPSI, treat the time requests monocularly. If you have an object that you would like to observe using both sides of the telescope with these PI instruments, you need only specify it once and DO NOT check the binocular box.
- Some binocular warning messages are triggered or resolved inappropriately across different targets
- Java Networking Error on Mac machines. See Entry #5 in FAQ and Troubleshooting
- On the targets panel one can not change the width of the RA, DEC, or PM columns.
- On the observations panel one can not change the width of the Time, or Visible columns.
- After submitting a proposal the PIT will disable all editable fields. In the “Submit” panel the “Submit this Proposal” button will turn grey as disabled and the “Open an Editable Copy” will appear active. With this button an editable copy of the submitted proposal can be created. If the user were to open the PIT with an already submitted proposal the “Overview” tab fields will appear disable, the user then should select the “Submit” panel and click on the “Open an Editable Copy” in order to create a new editable copy of the submitted proposal.
Known Bugs
- Target files uploaded as tst or csv will fail if the object name is a number. This especially impacts non-sidereal observations where PIs have queried JPL Horizons in the PIT, downloaded the results, and then tried to upload them again. We suggest PIs in this instance use another file format and/or use a string as the target name.
- Target files downloaded, edited, and then uploaded as test files on Window File Systems may encounter errors. We suggest using another format offered (csv, fits, or xml).
- Issues with truncated text in some Windows versions. See FAQ and Troubleshooting for solution.
INAF Only Version 2019B 2.2 April 5, 2019
General PIT Changes and Improvements
- New Observation Summary Table: New summary table replaces old long-form Target listing. Table is more compact, concise, easier to cut and paste, and has useful keys for acronyms. We expect all but the most target-heavy proposals to have one page, easy to browse, summary tables.
- The option to specify days has been removed from the PIT. Please specify all requests in hours. One night is considered 10 hours and a half night is considered 5 hours.
- ARGOS optional and ARGOS required removed from LUCI Telescope Modes. ARGOS required, now simply called ARGOS, is the standard mode. Proposals which used either mode of ARGOS now default to ARGOS required
- UT specified as correct time zone for scheduling requests in Scheduling Tab
- Added correct ARGOS declination limits to warn when targets will fall below the 45 degree elevation limit specified by the FAA.
- Added LBTI instrument configuration decision tree to resource tab and PDF
- Added back-end e-mails to PEPSI and LBTI proposals. Submissions that use either of these resources will auto-generate a submission mail to the correct PI.
- Added a notification checkbox in the Submit Tab or LBTI and PEPSI
- Added 2.4 arcsec slit for MODS1 and MODS2
- Removed LUCI2 DL, ESM, and ARGOS modes and N30 camera for 2019B semester
INAF Specified Changes and Improvements:
- Non-INAF TAC Categories Removed
- Added all INAF institutions and prioritized them in list in Edit Principle Investigator Pop-up accessed from the Overview Tab.
- Added a link to LBT Instruments Webpage in the Resource Configuration pop-up accessed through the Observation Panel.
- Observation Time changed to Exposure Time in the pop-up accessed through the Observation Panel and in the Observation Panel Summary.
- Removed all mention of Binocular Observations in the Observation Panel, associated pop-ups accessed through the Observation Panel, and the PDF Observation Summary Table.
- Generalized all instruments (LUCI1 and LUCI2 –> LUCI; MODS1 and MODS2 –> MODS) and made all mechanisms in either SX or DX instrument available to the general configuration
- Removed the ability to select multiple filters and gratings in a single observation.
- Summary Table in PDF: Added ToO, removed Water Vapor, Telescope Mode, Improved Key/Legend Table, propagated all changes in the Observation Tab to the table.
- Proposal PDF reformatted to newer style
Known Issues
- Dock Icon conflict between some version of the OT and PIT on Mac OS.
- In the Observation Tab, when specifying the PI instruments LBTI and PEPSI, treat the time requests monocularly. If you have an object that you would like to observe using both sides of the telescope with these PI instruments, you need only specify it once and DO NOT check the binocular box.
- Some binocular warning messages are triggered or resolved inappropriately across different targets
- Java Networking Error on Mac machines. See Entry #5 in FAQ and Troubleshooting
- On the targets panel one can not change the width of the RA, DEC, or PM columns.
- On the observations panel one can not change the width of the Time, or Visible columns.
- After submitting a proposal the PIT will disable all editable fields. In the “Submit” panel the “Submit this Proposal” button will turn grey as disabled and the “Open an Editable Copy” will appear active. With this button an editable copy of the submitted proposal can be created. If the user were to open the PIT with an already submitted proposal the “Overview” tab fields will appear disable, the user then should select the “Submit” panel and click on the “Open an Editable Copy” in order to create a new editable copy of the submitted proposal.
Known Bugs
- Target files uploaded as tst or csv will fail if the object name is a number. This especially impacts non-sidereal observations where PIs have queried JPL Horizons in the PIT, downloaded the results, and then tried to upload them again. We suggest PIs in this instance use another file format and/or use a string as the target name.
- Target files downloaded, edited, and then uploaded as test files on Window File Systems may encounter errors. We suggest using another format offered (csv, fits, or xml).
- Issues with truncated text in some Windows versions. See FAQ and Troubleshooting for solution.