Science Operations

PIT Release Notes 2018B

Version 2018B 1.2 April 12, 2018

  • LBTB deprecated. Added MPIA and AIP as partners.
  • When possible, proposals with the LBTB partner in the Time Request will be automatically parsed into MPIA or AIP Time Request using the PIs institute.
  • See release notes for v1.0

Known Issues/Bugs

  • See Known Issues/Bugs for v1.0.

Version 2018B 1.0 March 1, 2018

  • Italian and General PIT now merged
  • Created several error messages for Italian-only requirements (category, ToO status, run name)
  • Removed G040 grating, 0.13″ mask, and LUCI diffraction limited spectroscopy to reflect modes currently offered
  • Created up-conversion for programs that previously requested G040 grating, 0.13″ mask, and LUCI diffraction limited spectroscopy


Known Issues

  • Dock Icon conflict between some version of the OT and PIT on Mac OS.
  • Some proposals from previous semesters, particularly 2017A and 2017B have an incorrect conversion message that says “2018A semester was converted to the 2018A format” instead of “2017A/B semester was converted to the 2018A format”
  • Some binocular warning messages are triggered or resolved inappropriately across different targets
  • Java Networking Error on Mac machines. See Entry #5 in FAQ and Troubleshooting
  • On the targets panel one can not change the width of the RA, DEC, or PM columns.
  • On the observations panel one can not change the width of the Time, or Visible columns.
  • After submitting a proposal the PIT will disable all editable fields. In the “Submit” panel the “Submit this Proposal” button will turn grey as disabled and the “Open an Editable Copy” will appear active. With this button an editable copy of the submitted proposal can be created. If the user were to open the PIT with an already submitted proposal the “Overview” tab fields will appear disable, the user then should select the “Submit” panel and click on the “Open an Editable Copy” in order to create a new editable copy of the submitted proposal.

Known Bugs

  • Target files uploaded as tst or csv will fail if the object name is a number. This especially impacts non-sidereal observations where PIs have queried JPL Horizons in the PIT, downloaded the results, and then tried to upload them again. We suggest PIs in this instance use another file format and/or use a string as the target name.
  • Target files downloaded, edited, and then uploaded as tst files on Window File Systems may encounter errors. We suggest using another format offered (csv, fits, or xml).

INAF Only Version 18B 2.2 April 27, 2018

  • Removed RA limits and checks for “year round” INAF PIT
  • Added ARGOS elevation warnings and errors for targets < 45 degrees
  • Improved and clarified other elevation warnings and limits
  • Removal of all Binocular Functionality as requested by INAF PC
  • Addition of newly formatted target table in final PDF
  • Removal of error messages for blank targets/names when ToO is selected

Known Issues

  • Java Networking Error on Mac machines. See Entry #5 in FAQ and Troubleshooting
  • On the targets panel one can not change the width of the RA, DEC, or PM columns.
  • On the observations panel one can not change the width of the Time, or Visible columns.
  • After submitting a proposal the PIT will disable all editable fields. In the “Submit” panel the “Submit this Proposal” button will turn grey as disabled and the “Open an Editable Copy” will appear active. With this button an editable copy of the submitted proposal can be created. If the user were to open the PIT with an already submitted proposal the “Overview” tab fields will appear disable, the user then should select the “Submit” panel and click on the “Open an Editable Copy” in order to create a new editable copy of the submitted proposal.

Known Bugs

  • LUCI N30 Camera missing for LUCI1 ARGOS configuration. Should not be a problem as N30 is not the camera that should be used by ARGOS.
  • Target files uploaded as tst or csv will fail if the object name is a number. This especially impacts non-sidereal observations where PIs have queried JPL Horizons in the PIT, downloaded the results, and then tried to upload them again. We suggest PIs in this instance use another file format and/or use a string as the target name.
  • Target files downloaded, edited, and then uploaded as tst files on Window File Systems may encounter errors. We suggest using another format offered (csv, fits, or xml).