LUCI OT Examples
CRITICAL NOTE: Only identical twinning (the same script on both sides) and fraternal twinning (same base configuration, position angle, guide star, etc., but different masks) are available in 2017A and beyond for binocular observation. Set your observation up with either the LUCI1 templates OR the LUCI2 templates and using the single sided observation to generate the binocular Twinned script.
Details about script generation are available here. There is no need to build observations or generate scripts for each side
- Example 1: Setting up Direct Imaging Observations
- Example 2: Setting up Long-Slit Observations
- Example 3: Setting up LUCI Long-Slit Telluric Observations
- Example 4: Setting up LUCI Long-Slit Observations with Blind Offsets
- Example 5: Setting up MOS Observations
- Example 6: Setting up MOS Telluric Observations
- Example 7: Setting up Calibration Observations
The following examples will demonstrate how to build LUCI Observations using the LUCI Library Templates. As with any example, start by opening a New Program. The new Science Program will open to the Main Program Node or Tab. It is here that you can fill out necessary information, such as your name, e-mail, and LBTO partner.
Pro Tip 1: Some of this information may be critical to identifying your data for later retrieval from the archive, so do not overlook this section.
Once the Science Program/PI information has been filled out, import the LUCI Science Library into the OT so that you can copy and paste already built templates into your Science Program.
To import the library, ensure you have a copy of the the LUCI Science Library saved to your local directory. Use the Main Menu to navigate to File –> Import xml. From there a dialog box will appear.
The LUCI Library will open in a new OT window. Expand either the appropriate LUCI Observing mode. There are three main modes of Science observing.
These observations are built differently, although Long-Slit and Multi-Slit are very Similar. Spectroscopic scripts are comprised of both and acquisition and a Science Observation. The acquisition portion of an imaging observation is part of the Science Observation. The OT has a built in tool to assist with the generation of MOS Telluric Observations (see MOS Telluric Example).
The library includes templates for calibrations observations as well. Select the Template(s) that most closely resembles the science observation you wish to generate. How to alter the templates for each mode is described below.
When planning AO or ESM observations, they are very similar to seeing limited observation but include some additional elements and consideration in the target tab. Please read: The AO planning for LUCI