Science Operations

Olga Kuhn

Instrument Support Astronomer


Office Information:
Steward Observatory – Large Binocular Telescope Observatory
933 N. Cherry Ave
Rm 530
Tucson 85721
Arizona (AZ) United States


Ph.D – Harvard University (1996)
AM – Harvard University (1989)
BS – Physics and Math, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1988)

Olga maintains the documentation and monitors the performance of the two MODS instruments and the LBCs. Her research interests lie in the physical nature and
evolution of quasars, and her thesis compared the shapes of rest-frame optical/UV spectral energy distributions of samples of high (z>3; at the time, this was ‘high redshift’) and low redshift quasars with one another and with models of geometrically thin/optically thick
accretion disks.