Science Operations

Jenny Power

Science Operations Associate


Office Information:
Steward Observatory – Large Binocular Telescope Observatory
933 N. Cherry Ave
Rm 560
Tucson 85721
Arizona (AZ) United States



MSc – Astrophysics, Queen’s University (2007)
BSc – Physics and Astronomy, University of Western Ontario (2005)

Jennifer Power (Jenny) serves as a Science Operations Associate.  She joined LBT in 2013 as an Instrument Specialist and moved into the ObsDev group in 2016 as a Service Observer. She came to LBTO from Kitt Peak where she worked as a telescope operator.  She focuses her nighttime support efforts primarily with LBTI and AO, although well versed with all of our instruments and provides support for all partner science. PI’s preparing observations that utilize the LBTO AO system, such as LUCI AO or ESM, can feel free to contact her for phase II checks or support in the preparation of their observations.

She is the lead Queue Coordinator and provides software support for the Phase I (PIT) and Phase II (OT) tools provided by LBTO. She is also a primary resource for and software issues experienced with the mask software (LMS and MMS).  She also heads up the science operations webpages.  If you note and issues or have any suggestions for things you would like added to the pages, please feel free to shoot an email her way.