Science Operations

Proposal Submission 2018A

LBTO is currently closed for 2018A Proposals


LBTO is now closed for the 2018A semester to all partners and host institutions including the LBT Beteiligungsgesellschaft (LBTB), University of Arizona (UA), Arizona State University (ASU), Northern Arizona University (NAU), Ohio State University (OSU), University of Virginia, University of Minnesota, and University of Notre Dame. More information about available instrumentation and modes is available here
LBTO is also accepting applications through NOAO as part of a TSIP agreement. A total of 39 nights are available through TSIP on LBT over the course of 5 semesters (17B-19B). More information about available instrumentation and modes is available here.
Different partners have different Calls for Proposal dates and deadlines. Please check your partner webpages or ask your Parner Coordinator for specific CfP information and closing dates. Given the differing deadlines, joint proposals to several partners in a single submission are NOT currently accepted. If you are interested in a joint proposal that spans multiple partners, please submit a proposal to each partner during their call. You should note in the body of your proposal the partners to which you are applying and the time requested.

Phase I Tool:

LBTO has developed a Phase I Tool (PIT) for proposal submissions. For 2018A the following partners are participating in PIT submission: TSIP/NOAO, Arizona (AZ, NAU, ASU), LBTB (MPIA, IAP), University of Notre Dame, University of Virginia, and University of Minnesota. See the downlaod pages for more details. Other LBTO users are welcome to examine the new tool, but should NOT use it to submit their proposals.

This tool allows PIs to easily enter basic information about their program and create a LBTO cover sheet and instrument summary to include with their proposals. For 2018A, partners should upload their entire proposal, including partner-specific cover page, as a PDF attachment. An example of a completed proposal is here. Partner PIs may choose whether or not to describe their program in the Observation and Target Tabs or to submit in a minimalist way with just cover sheet information and their PDF attachment. NOAO/TSIP PIs must complete the PIT, including Observation and Target information.

In the future, PIT will facilitate the transition to binocular script creation and open a communication pathway to LBTO operations staff. Links to the PIT software for Mac, Windows, and Linux are available on the installation page.

Instruments Offered:

LBTO is currently offering the following instruments for 2018A science:

Visible Near-IR Mid-IR Other facilities
Facility Instruments
MODS1: (SX) 320-1100nm multi-object, long-slit spectrograph and imager LUCI1: (SX) 0.85-2.4µm multi-object, long-slit spectrograph and imager    
MODS2: (DX) 320-1100nm multi-object, long-slit spectrograph and imager LUCI2: (DX) 1.00-2.4µm multi-object, long-slit spectrograph and imager    
LBCB: (SX) 350-650nm wide-field imager      
LBCR: (DX) 550-1000nm wide-field imager      
PI/Strategic Instruments (EXCLUDING TSIP)
PEPSI: 383-907nm high-resolution spectrograph and polarimeter. CONTACT PI/td>

LMIRCam on LBTI: 1-5µm high resolution camera and coronagraph. Optimized from 3-5µm. CONTACT PI NOMIC on LBTI: an 8-13 μm camera. CONTACT PI  

Available Tools:

While the observatory does provide an online archive for data access and download, no in-house pipeline or data reduction tools exist. For more information on the availability of community-built tools, please contact

LBTO Partnership (LBTB, INAF, OSURC, AZ)

Telescope/Instrument Configurations:

For the 2018A observing season the available telescope configurations offered are as follows:

  • Monocular: all facility instruments in seeing-limited mode
  • AO: LUCI1 and LUCI 2 diffraction-limited imaging in SHARED RISK
  • Enhanced Seeing Mode (ESM):LUCI1 &  LUCI2 in SHARED RISK
  • Homogeneous Binocular (Facility instruments only; Fraternal and Twin Modes)
  • Heterogeneous Binocular with LBC: LBC + MODS/LUCI in SHARED RISK

PI Strategic Instruments:

It is critical that astronomers who would like to use the PI/Strategic instruments, LBTI or PEPSI, must contact the Principle Investigator of these instruments before submitting proposals to the TAC:
LBTI – Phil Hinz (
PEPSI – Klaus Strassmeier (

Observations will be carried out with assistance from the instrument team during scheduled PI instrument blocks. See the special instructions below for more specifics.

Special Instructions for 2018A:

  • We will continue commissioning of LUCI2 AO spectroscopy with the hopes of releasing this mode sometime in 2018A.
  • Note only one arm of LBTI will be available in the Feb 1 – March 15 period.
  • Mask Deadline for Successful Proposals is January 11, 2018. Please contact for any questions.

Observing Modes Available:

For the 2018A observing season the observatory will operate as it has for the last several years, which is in “classical/service” and “PI Instrument” modes. In classical/service mode, partners will select PIs of successful proposals or partner service observers to visit the telescope during observatory-scheduled partner blocks. These designated observers will complete observations for themselves and potentially other PIs in their partnership.


Telescope/Instrument Configurations

For the 2018BAobserving season the available telescope configurations offered are as follows:

  • Monocular: all facility instruments in seeing limited mode
  • Homogeneous Binocular (Facility instruments only; Fraternal and Twin Modes)
  • Heterogeneous Binocular with LBC: LBC + MODS/LUCI in SHARED RISK

AO and Enhanced Seeing Mode (ESM) are NOT part of the TSIP agreement

PI Strategic Instruments:

Strategic/PI instruments (LBTI, PEPSI) are NOT part of the TSIP agreement.

Special Instructions for 2018A:

  • Mask Deadline for Successful Proposals is January 11, 2018. Please contact for any questions

Observing Modes Available:

For the 2018A semester, the selected TSIP programs will be classically scheduled by LBTO, but will be executed in service mode by LBTO staff who will observe remotely from Tucson. PIs will prepare their observations using the LBTO Observation Preparation Tool (OT), which is based on the Gemini tool. PIs will have the possibility to come and assist the observer in the remote room in Tucson if they wish to get acquainted with LBTO.

Recent Past CfP:

PIT 2017B release: closed
PIT 2017A release: closed
PIT 2016B release: closed
PIT 2016A release: closed

The LBTO would like to thank Gemini Observatory for extensive use and adaptation of the materials and webpages published by Gemini staff at The Gemini Observatory is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under a cooperative agreement with the NSF on behalf of the Gemini partnership: the National Science Foundation (United States), the National Research Council (Canada), CONICYT (Chile), the Australian Research Council (Australia), Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (Brazil), and Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva (Argentina).