Science Operations

Observing with the LBT

Observing Modes Offered at the LBT include:

  1. Supported Observing Mode
  2. In-situ Mode
  3. HQ Remote Mode
  4. Member Institude Remote Mode
  5. Queue Observing Mode

Supported Observing Mode

In this mode of operation, the observations are executed by our trained staff.  Instrument Support Astronomers and/or Service Observers operate the instrument remotely, performing science acquisitions, basic data quality assessments, and troubleshooting, while member observers are online to provide the scripts and targets for the night.  This has been the primary mode of operation since mid-2020.

Observers choosing to use this mode should fill in the LBTO Supported Observing Form in advance of their run.

In-situ Mode:

In-situ Mode involves Member Astronomers traveling to the physical telescope, located on Emerald Peak on Mt. Graham outside Safford, AZ and operating the instruments from the observing room inside the telescope structure.  This location, about 4 hours from LBTO headquarters in Tucson, requires visitors to be particularly attentive to travel, living, working, and safety considerations. Full details about preparing for an “in-situ” run are in the links in the sidebar menu.

An Observing Support Associate (OSA) will be on-site to operate the telescope and act as a nighttime safety manager. An ISA/SO will be available for remote assistance and troubleshooting guidance.

Telescope location and information is as follows:

  • Coordinates: N32°42’04.71” W109°53’20.63”
  • Altitude: 3221m
  • MST= UT-7

If you choose to use In-situ mode please contact for availability and additional information as soon as the information is available.  Observers should complete the LBT Reservation Form (NEW LINK!) well in advance of their run. A lead observer should be designated for each night. this information should be passed along to the science support as soon as it is available.

HQ Remote Mode:

LBTO is happy to welcome observers to use our HQ Remote Observing Room, located at our headquarters on the 5th Floor of the Steward Observatory building on the University of Arizona campus The room is equipped with 6 workstations with multiple monitors, Skype and Polycom links to the summit, and high-definition televisions displaying real-time facility summaries and weather forecasts. The Steward Observatory building is located near downtown Tucson and is close to a number of hotels and eating establishments, making observing both safer and easier. Observers using the HQ Remote Observing Room will be provided a building access key and parking pass for the duration of the run.

An Observing Support Associate (OSA) will be on-site at Mt. Graham to operate the telescope and act as a nighttime safety manager. An ISA/SO will be available for on-call assistance throughout your run.  For new observers, please contact us to arrange on-site support for training.

If you choose to use LBT HQ Remote mode please fill out a Reservation form for the Tucson Remote Room (NEW LINK!) as soon as possible. A lead observer should be designated for each night. this information should be passed along to the science support ( as soon as it is available.


Remote Observing Room – Room 507 in Steward Observatory

Member Institute Remote Mode:

Member Institute Remote Mode is a new operations model offered by LBTO observatory to accommodate member requests and meet the challenges of the C-19 pandemic. In this mode, members observe from specialized “Satellite Remote Facilities”. IMPORTANT: LBTO recommendations for software and hardware for these facilities and the science policies that cover this mode, including risks assumed by the member are here.

An Observing Support Associate (OSA) will be on-site at Mt Graham to operate the telescope and act as a nighttime safety manager. The first night or two of each run an ISA/SO will support member observers from a remote location in Tucson. They will offer on-call support every subsequent night.

If you choose to use Member Institute Remote mode please see the LBTO Remote Observing Policy page for details, and fill in the requested forms.

Queue Observing

Queue observing is available upon request.  At this time we operate this mode for LBTI and for our Arizona partnership.  In this mode the observations are executed by our trained observers.  The programs to be executed are organized by our queue coordinators to optimize execution based on TAC provided priorities and conditional constraints.