Science Operations

PIT Release Notes 2021A

Version 2021A 1.0 Sep 1, 2020

  • A submitted in previous semesters will be uploaded as read-only. We moved and rename the “Open to Resubmit Proposal” button, previously in the Submit tab, to the Overview tab (front) where it is now “Edit to Resubmit Proposal Button”
  • The “Open an Editable Copy” button on the Submit tab was retired
  • Added full PEPSI instrument configuration including fiber and cross disperser
  • A PEPSI observation will pair a singular binocular LUCI, MODS or LBC observation with the same target automatically. I.e. LUCI1 2 hrs, LUCI2 1hrs and PEPSI 2hrs, will be paired as LUCI1-2 1hrs, LUCI2-PEPSI 1hr and only PEPSI 1hr.
  • We have removed the binocular check box from the PEPSI Instrument Observation Tab. We assume it is always binocular or will be paired with other unpaired binocular observations.
  • Older proposals with a PEPSI observation will be converted upon being loaded and will appear as PEPSI(conversion/conversion/conversion) The user must select a configuration for the instrument in the Observations Tab on the PIT GUI using the Resource Configuration
  • Removed Proposal Class and Visitor from Time Request Tab
  • Removed references to “Classical” Instruments in Resource Configuration Tab
  • For older proposals with a LUCI instrument configuration not provided this semester, a message will display in the popup that shows what has been modified when converting to the new version of the PIT. The instrument tab will appear blank and should be repopulated using the Resource Configuration

Known Issues

  • Dock Icon conflict between some version of the OT and PIT on Mac OS.
  • In the Observation Tab, when specifying the PI instruments LBTI and PEPSI, treat the time requests binocularly. If you have an object that you would like to observe using both sides of the telescope with these PI instruments, it will, by default, assume that is the case. In the case of PEPSI, if you want to observe just one side, make sure you have another binocular observation that matches observing conditions and target and it will be paired automatically.
  • Some binocular warning messages are triggered or resolved inappropriately across different targets.
  • Java Networking Error on Mac machines. See Entry #5 in FAQ and Troubleshooting
  • >On the targets panel one can not change the width of the RA, DEC, or PM columns.
  • On the observations panel one can not change the width of the Time, or Visible columns.
  • When loading proposals from previous semesters that contain non-sidereal targets the ephemerides are not automatically updated for the upcoming semester. This, correctly, results in error message in the problems section advising the user that the ephemeris for the target is undefined in in the date range of the upcoming semester. The user should select the target in the observations tab, double click to edit the target, and click ‘Lookup’ to refresh the ephemerides. Please see the FAQ and Troubleshooting page for further details.

Known Bugs

  • Target files uploaded as tst or csv will fail if the object name is a number. This especially impacts non-sidereal observations where PIs have queried JPL Horizons in the PIT, downloaded the results, and then tried to upload them again. We suggest PIs in this instance use another file format and/or use a string as the target name.
  • Target files downloaded, edited, and then uploaded as test files on Window File Systems may encounter errors. We suggest using another format offered (csv, fits, or xml).
  • Issues with truncated text in some Windows versions. See FAQ and Troubleshooting for solution.