Science Operations

Time Request Tab

General PIT:

This is the top left panel of the General PIT, when Time Requests is selected from the “Overview / Time Requests / Scheduling / Submit” options shown below the panel.

Partner Request: Enter the amount of time requested from the appropriate partner. Double click on the partner from the list to enter the information in a dialog like that shown below. Please note that INAF is listed as a partner in the General PIT, but selection will trigger an error that disallows submission and directs the user to the INAF PIT.

The total is summarized in the bottom line of the window. Proposal checks compare the requested times with the total times defined in the Observations Tab in the Observation Time Node and discrepancies are noted in the Problems section at the bottom of the main window. Observations specified as BINOCULAR in the Observation Time Node of the PIT will be correctly accounted for so that synchronous observations will not be double counted and the Time Requests will match.


This is the top left panel of the INAF PIT, when Time Requests is selected from the “Overview / Time Requests / Scheduling / Submit” options shown below the panel.

Partner Request: Double click on the INAF partner. In the dialog box that appears enter the total time requested by the PI. This time should match the total times defined in the Observations Tab in the Observation Time Node and for INAF should reflect OPEN SHUTTER TIME ONLY. Discrepancies are noted in the Problems section at the bottom of the main window.