Science Operations

Problems Section

The Problem Section is in the lower panel of the PIT:

This section lists outstanding items the PI must enter (abstract, observation, etc.) before submitting. For instance, the above image shows a newly created proposal with many outstanding items. As the PI fills in each item in the indicated Section, it will disappear from the list until the problem panel is clear. Double clicking on an entry will take you to the relevant section.

A proposal with outstanding items cannot be submitted; a message will appear in the Submit Tab indicating that the PI must fill in the item requested and the submit button will remain greyed out.

This panel also displays errors and warnings. For instance, attempts to observe a target that is not visible in the A semester will result in the following:

The red circle indicates an error. A PI cannot submit a proposal with an error; a message will appear in the Submit Tab indicating that the PI must correct the error prior to submission.

Warnings appear as yellow triangles:

In this case, a target listed in the proposal has limited visibility. However, this limitation may be both known and acceptable to the PI. Thus Warnings are left to the PI’s discretion; a proposal that contains only warnings and no errors or outstanding items is submissible.