Science Operations

INAF PIT Download

The Current INAF Version is PIT 2024B 2.0

This page contains instructions for downloading and installing the General Phase I Tool (PIT) specifically for INAF. PIs from other partners (LBTB, Arizona, University of Minnesota, University of Virginia, and Notre Dame) should use the General PIT located here. You can install the software on individual machines or for an entire network of workstations. Versions are available for the following operating systems:

  • Windows (7 / 8 / 10 / 11)
  • 32 and 64 bit Linux (most distributions, including RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, and Ubuntu)
  • Mac OS X (Intel Macs only with 10.7.3 (Lion) or newer)

If you experience any problems installing or running the PIT, please contact

An example proposal is available from here. You can load it using the “Open” button within the PIT.

Installing the Phase I Tool

Please read the installation instructions below for your preferred operating system:

  • Please note that the PIT tool could use up to 1GB of RAM memory
  • 64 bit operating system for Windows and Mac
  • 32 or 64 bit operating system for Linux

Using the LBTO Phase I Tool on Windows

The Phase I Tool has been tested on Windows 7, Windows 10, and Windows 11. In semester 2024B the PIT is distributed with the required version of Java 1.8.

Installing on Windows:

  • Download the current Windows distribution of the Phase I Tool  and unzip the file.
  • Right or shift+click the file named pit_2024B.2.0.0_windows.exe
  • The Windows distribution is provided as a Windows executable installer.
  • Use Windows Explorer to display the directory in which you downloaded the installer. You must have at least 180 megabytes of disk space available to install the Phase I Tool on Windows.
  • Double-click the installer executable and follow the installer instructions. When the installation is completed, you will see a congratulatory message. Press the “Close” button to exit.
  • The installation places a “LBTO\LBTO PIT” folder in your start menu and also on the user’s desktop. Selecting “LBTO PIT 2024B.2.0” launches the Phase I Tool.

Using the LBTO Phase I Tool on Linux

The Phase I Tool can be used on most recent Linux distributions, including RedHat Enterprise, CentOS, Fedora, and Ubuntu. (Note that you cannot use the twm window manager).

Installing on 64 bit Linux:

  • Download the current Linux distribution of the Phase I Tool, file named pit_2024B.2.0.0_linux64.tar.gz (64-bit)).
  • Use gunzip and tar to unpack the distribution in a directory where you have at least 200 megabytes of disk space.
    gunzip -c filename | tar -xvf –
  • The distribution unpacks into a single directory named “pit_2024B.2.0_linux64”.
  • Run the PIT. You can use the complete path to the startup script, as shown below (where the $ represents your shell prompt), or you can include that directory in your PATH.

Using the LBTO Phase I Tool on Mac OS X

In semester 2024B the PIT is distributed with the required version of Java 1.8 (Java 8). The system requirements of Java 8 allow it to run on Mac OS X 10.7.3 (Lion) or later.

Installing on Macintosh OS X:

  • Download the current OS X distribution of the Phase I Tool, file named pit_2024B.2.0.0_macos.dmg.
  • The Mac OS X distribution is provided as a disk image file.
  • Use the Finder to display the directory in which you downloaded the disk image. You must have at least 200 megabytes of disk space available to install the Phase I Tool on Mac OS X.
  • Double-click on the disk image (dmg) file to open and mount it. Then drag the “PIT 2024B.2.0” application icon to the location where you want to install it (normally the Applications folder). Then unmount the disk image from the Finder.
  • Double-click on the application icon to run the Phase I Tool.