Mar 9, 2025: LUCI1 All modes **NOT** using G210 or G040 are released for science.
LUCI recalibration is underway. All modes **NOT** using G210 or G040 are released for science.
LUCI1 is working well mechanically and all the major modes have new flexure tables. In G210 there is still an issue with the wavelength calibration which is being investigated and reviewed.
Feb 13, 2025: LUCI1 Troubleshooting/Cooling in the lab
Maintenance work and testing continued through the month of January.and beginning of February. The MOS translator issue was addressed, as well as issues with the LUCI1 grating turret. Other general maintenance items were also taken care of while the instrument was disassembled. LUCI1 has passed a full warm checkout and is now cooling in the lab.
Jan 06, 2025: LUCI1 Lab Troubleshooting
LUCI1 troubleshooting in the lab is ongoing. The MOS unit is now able to reliable move the mask with the unit warm. Several motors are scheduled for replacement.
Dec 30, 2024: LUCI1 Removed from telescope
The MOS troubleshooting revealed an issue internal to the instrument. LUCI1 was removed from the telescope to allow for continued troubleshooting and repairs in the lab.
Dec 9, 2024: LUCI1 Offline with MOS error
LUCI1 experience a critical MOS error on December 09, 2024. LUCI1 taken offline for troubleshooting.