Science Operations

SX ASM Removed for Liquid Gap Contamination

Posted Sep 02, 2024


Update Sept 20, 2024:

Assessments by the AO team have revealed that the rear-side surface of the SX thin shell (TS5) suffered significant water damage that will very likely require recoating.  Planning for recoating the thin shell is happening now and the optimistic timeline is that this would enable the SX ASM to return to service sometime in November.  The AO team has now shifted efforts to the DX ASM.

Update Sept 9, 2024:

The preliminary inspection by the ASM team shows signs of watermarks and possible burns in one of the distribution boards. After disconnecting the affected board, the team powered on the rest of the unit and measured the gap for all but ~ 6% of the thin shell’s area. The measurements suggest that the water intrusion is receding (leaving the gap), which is encouraging. The team will thoroughly assess the water damage when they lower the thin shell, which is expected around September 17.

Initial Note: Sept 2, 2024

On UT Sept 1 the telescope experienced a water intrusion event.  The SX ASM thin shell had liquid gap contamination impacting the outer rings between 7-9 O’clock.  The unit was removed on Sept 2 for repairs.  The timeline for repairs is TBD.

The rigid secondary remains installed in place of the DX side while the DX ASM campaign wraps up.  The SX side of the telescope will remain without a secondary mirror until the DX ASM is installed later this month.