Science Operations

Resolved: DX LUCI Pyramid Rotated

Posted Dec 15, 2023


2023-12-15  DX LUCI Pyramid Rotated – Resolved 

The DX SOUL LUCI Wavefront sensor underwent a series of checkouts and performance checks on 2023-12-14. The results were analyzed and showed that the performance of the WFS is comparable to before the pyramid rotation and fix. Sample results can be seen here:

Test with Bin 1, 1544 Hz, simulated 1.0” Seeing

DX SOUL-LUCI is released for both Full AO and ESM AO.

2023-12-12  DX LUCI WFS Unavailable Update 

Efforts on telescope to rotate the pyramid back into position were successful. The pyramid was rotated within 0.5 pixels of previously alignment. Additional testing and verification are pending.

2023-12-11  DX LUCI WFS Offline Update 

The AO team was able to characterize the pyramid rotation issue, and with correspondence with the team in Arcetri, have determined a route for repair that can take place on telescope. This route will not require the removal of LUCI2 and will be minimally evasive. As this repair and corresponding calibrations take place, LUCI2 AO and ESM will remain offline.

2023-12-04  DX LUCI WFS Offline 

On UT2023-12-04, it was found that the four DX pyramid pupils were rotated 45 degrees on the OCAM display.  Further investigations showed that the pyramid is rotated in regard of the W board direction.  To resolve this issue, the pyramid needs to be rotated in its housing during an intervention in the lab.
For safety reasons concerning the SOUL-LUCI AO WFS, the RFBG rotator is being locked out until the components inside the W unit are in a safe state.  A trip is planned for 2023-12-05 to secure the pyramid.
Once secured, LUCI2 will be available for seeing-limited operations only until a more extensive intervention can be completed.  This issue does not impact the ASMs, so it’s not limiting AO with other instruments (LBTI) or seeing limited operations. Only LUCI2 AO/ESM operations are impacted.